Emergency Dental Treatment

Facial swelling

At Crayon Dental, we understand that dental emergencies can be concerning, especially when they involve facial swelling in children. Our expert paediatric dentists are here to provide immediate, gentle, and effective care for your little ones.

If your child experiences sudden facial swelling, it's crucial to seek prompt dental attention. Our skilled team is experienced in handling such emergencies. When you visit our clinic, we will assess your child's condition with care and precision.

Our priority is to relieve your child's discomfort. We will diagnose the cause of the swelling, whether it's due to an infection, injury, or other dental issues. With our advanced techniques and child-friendly approach, we aim to provide immediate relief and alleviate any pain or discomfort your child may be experiencing.

Once the cause is determined, our pediatric dentists will recommend the appropriate treatment. Whether it involves medication, a minor procedure, or further dental care, rest assured that your child is in expert hands. We will explain the treatment plan in simple terms, addressing your concerns and ensuring your child's well-being.

Severe toothache

We understand how painful toothaches can be, especially for children. If your child is in severe pain and unable to sleep, our pediatric dental clinic is here to help.

We find out what's causing the pain and treat it right away. We use special tools and medicines to make the pain go away, so your child can feel better as soon as possible.

If your child is suffering from a severe toothache, don't wait. Give us a call, and we'll do our best to make your child feel better fast.

Child's Broken or Knocked-Out Tooth

Knocked out tooth

Knocked out tooth
re- implanted in mouth

Stay calm and contact our clinic immediately. For a broken tooth, gently clean the area and use a cold compress to reduce swelling. For a knocked-out tooth, hold it by the crown (top) and rinse it gently without touching the roots.

Yes, if you act quickly. Time is crucial; the sooner you seek help, the higher the chance of saving the tooth.

Upon arrival, our expert dentist will assess the situation. For a broken tooth, we'll provide immediate pain relief and perform necessary repairs. For a knocked-out tooth, we'll attempt to re-implant it or discuss suitable replacement options, ensuring the best outcome for your child.

Our clinic prioritizes your child's comfort. Local anesthesia will be used to numb the area, ensuring a painless experience. Our gentle approach helps children feel at ease during the procedure.

After the emergency procedure, our dentists will provide detailed instructions for at-home care. We'll schedule follow-up appointments to monitor healing and ensure your child's dental health is on track.

Absolutely. Our skilled pediatric dentists specialize in restoring teeth. We use advanced techniques and materials to ensure the repaired or replaced tooth looks and functions naturally, giving your child a confident smile.

Yes, urgent care is vital. Quick action increases the chances of saving the tooth. Delaying treatment can lead to complications. Contact us promptly, and trust our experienced team to provide the best emergency dental care for your child.

Schedule Today!

Our Clinic


74, Devi Murti Colony, Panipat


Call: +91 8595872453,
Email: crayondentalcentre@gmail.com


Monday - Saturday- 10:00am to 2:00pm
& 5:00to 7:00pm